…but two pigeons in the Pitt peregrines’ nest box!
Based on the time stamp on this photo, the pigeons showed up in Dorothy and E2’s nest only 20 minutes after I posted my blog about pigeon overpopulation yesterday.
Do they have ESP? Did they read my blog and decide to make a point? Did they get the feeling they ought to put in a defiant appearance?
Obviously the peregrines weren’t paying attention. They’ve been napping a lot because they’re molting.
Yesterday at lunch my friend Karen and I saw Dorothy and E2 perched in nooks on the edge of the 32nd floor, facing the wall, their backs to the world. I guess if you’re at the top of the food chain you can turn your back to the world with confidence.
No need to worry the peregrines will go hungry. They can have breakfast in bed if they want!
(photo from the National Aviary falconcam at University of Pittsburgh)
Pigeons really don’t have much in the way of brains, do they? Thanks for the laugh.
How funny is this! I vote for defiant appearance! LOL What a good chuckle for us falconistas at the end of the week. Thanks
LOL, stupid birds. They sure are everywhere in Oakland though. There always seems to be a whole flock of them around 5th Avenue between S. Bouquet and Oakland. They just walk around in the grass and in the street seemingly without a care in the world. Actually some of them may not be pigeons as they appear to be all black though they’re the same size as the pigeons.
If the black bird you’re talking about has all the features of a pigeon except the color, it’s a pigeon. Pigeon fanciers bred pigeons to get a variety of colors. Some of those color morphs are even found in the wild population. The all-black pigeon is called a “spread morph.” Click here for a list of the main morphs.