It’s gray and windy today with snow flurries – the first snow of the season.
Despite the weather, I walked toward the Cathderal of Learning after I got off the bus to see if I could find any peregrines.
Yes, Dorothy was perched on a stone peak on the 40th floor facing southeast.
As I watched, E2 arrived carrying food and Dorothy swooped out to greet him. They flew a few circles together and then he landed in their favorite cache spot to prepare breakfast.
So, even though it’s cold and snowy our peregrines are staying home and staying together in Pittsburgh.
(National Aviary webcam photo of Dorothy and E2 courting in October.)
Is this true of the peregerines at the Gulf tower? Do they stay around during the winter season? Do peregrines ever migrant seperately and come back together during mating season?
I suspect the Gulf Tower peregrines stay here for the winter but I have no proof. I don’t think anyone is keeping close track of them in the off season.
From what we know of peregrines, those who migrate travel alone. They migrate separately and return to the site separately. I have heard that arctic peregrines sometimes start off traveling with their kids but only at the very start of the journey. Peregrines don’t travel as a family the way Canada geese do.
There have been instances, especially in the early days of peregrine reintroduction, when one of a mated pair would migrate and the other one would overwinter on territory. The case I know best was that of Zenith at the Cleveland Terminal Tower. She would migrate south every fall but her mate would stay behind. In her final two years she returned to find her mate with another lady at the nest. The first time this happened Zenith re-won the nest site from “the other woman.” (Can’t remember if she killed the other falcon.) The next time this happened, the other woman killed Zenith. The winner was “SW,” born at the Gulf Tower.
Good Morning Kate,
Just a month since this entry in your blog. Since I am now in Lawrenceville instead of Oakland, I was wondering if you have seen Dorothy and E2 around their usual haunts. Should the courting behavior start or not until January? Thanks for your great and informative blog.
I saw both peregrines November 17th and have been seeing at least one a day since then – as recently as yesterday morning. E2 stopped in for a brief nest visit last Friday Nov 28th.
E2 and Dorothy won’t start courting until the days start to get longer. It’s just too dark right now.
Update at 1:30pm, Dec 2: I just saw both peregrines high atop the Cathedral of Learning.
I work in the Oliver Building and I spotted two peregrines (presumably on the hunt) flying down Oliver and landing on the building across from the Mellon Bank Park (across from the Westin- Wm. Penn, where a large flock of pigeons congregate). I noticed the pigeons perched on the Wm. Penn and not flying around as is their usual routine. Not sure if the peregrines are the Gulf Tower birds or if they could conceivably come from Oakland? But, I am sure there were two and they were peregrines.
About a month ago, I actually park at the Manor Building (another pigeon hangout) and a peregrine landed right next to my car (two car lengths away) — this peregrine was a loner.
Anyway, just thought I would let you know of these two sightings. Not sure which birds these are but they are in town!
You are so lucky!
Just an added comment; their wingspans (peregrines) were magnificent while flying down Oliver… they are truly beautiful birds. I will keep my eyes open for any further sightings.
Love your website.