Breakfast is served

Dorothy and E2 prepare to feed their new nestlings (photo from National Aviary webcam)

Yesterday morning was a big day at the University of Pittsburgh peregrine nest.  Two chicks had hatched overnight, a third was hammering his way out of the shell, Mom (Dorothy) was watching, and all of them were hungry.  Dad (E2) had his work cut for him.  He had to bring home enough for four!

It was a good morning for hunting.  The south wind had brought new migrants to Schenley Park, including a group of noisy blue jays.  One of them became breakfast.

E2 called as he arrived with food.  Dorothy and baby called back.  With so many mouths to feed, he had no time to pluck and prepare a fillet.  Instead he brought it right away.  Dorothy took it from him for about a minute while he got acquainted with his new babies.  Then she returned and fed three new nestlings.

How do I know this?  I was birding in Schenley Park at the time – I saw the blue jays – and Traci Darin was up early watching the webcam.  She captured the action in snapshots and sent me the images which I made into the slideshow below.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
  14. 14

(Note that the slideshow loops, the action repeats.)

(All photos from the National Aviary webcam at the University of Pittsburgh peregrine falcon nest)

7 thoughts on “Breakfast is served

  1. How amazing is that? That you actually saw E2 catch the first meal for the third chick!! To see it unfold, almost in real-time, has been just breathless.

    It’s one benefit of modern technology. Without that webcam, we wouldn’t be privy to most of this!!

    Thanks again for all you do and to the Aviary for hosting those webcams!!

    PS. I know times are tough, but I respectfully ask that we make contributions to the Aviary to keep the webcams up and running! It would be great if they could afford a new cam for the Gulf Tower nest!!

  2. Oops. Sorry to give the impression that I saw E2 catch a blue jay. I didn’t. But I did see an unusually large number of blue jays – so I can imagine where he got one. I identified the prey from its blue and white tail in the picture above.

  3. “Beauty” is certainly well-named, Kathy! I’m sorry, but I don’t know what city you are in? Is Beauty a Pittsburgh native, by chance?


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