Diane Korolog sent me this photograph of a baby bird. Can you guess what species this is? Here are some hints:
- Look at its head shape, beak, nares and eye.
- How about those claws? What does this bird do with it’s feet?
- He is not native to North America and
- He is a very smart bird.
Bonus points for the exact species!
(photo by Diane Korolog)
Powerful beak… tiny nares (does not rely on smell)… perching-type feet.
.. Have we got a baby African Gray, here?
African Grey Parrot??
I will be very interested in the answer to this one. I have no idea but I would give a cautious guess that it is found at the aviary or a sanctuary.
an ostrich?
Wow, Larisa! You figured it out right away. Bonus points to you!
Ah, but is it a Timneh or a Congo? I’m going to say Congo, just because the upper mandible is so dark.
The Timneh/ Congo question is a good one. The little guy is a Congo.
Could be a Norwegian Blue…