An explosion of yellow. That’s what Jonathan Nadle said of this photo he took in Beechview yesterday. What a beautiful day!
The trees in Pittsburgh still have leaves, but don’t assume we have some special formula for extending autumn. This tree is yellow because it’s confused.
This is a Norway maple, so it sheds its leaves in response to fall light levels in northern Europe. When it experiences 10 hours of daylight, which is exactly what we’ll have today, it thinks it’s mid-October.
You can take the tree out of Norway but you can’t take Norway out of the tree.
(photo by Jonathan Nadle)
That reminds me of a tree we had in the front yard of my moms old house. I think it was some kind of pear tree though it only produced small berry-like fruit, but sometimes it wouldn’t lose its leaves until well into fall and maybe even early winter.