Yearly Archives: 2010


Tonight’s webcam chat was a lot of fun and very informative.  Here’s a big thank you to everyone who participated, especially…

  • Thank you to Traci (tld) for coordinating the whole thing from inception to reality. 
  • Thanks to Marianne (jetta), Jennie (mindysmom) and Donna (sno_leopard) who are in the chat every day, greeting everyone and helping with answers and news.  Their contributions make the Cathedral of Learning chat a great community.
  • Thank you to all of you for posting your excellent questions.
  • And a special thanks to Dr. Todd Katzner for sharing his time and knowledge.

And finally, a thank you to Dorothy and E2 for showing us such a heart-warming scene of peregrine family life. 

While we were chatting, both adult peregrines brought food to their five chicks for the last feeding of the day.  As we watched, Dorothy and E2 fed them together (pictured above).  What great parents!

(photo from the National Aviary webcam at the Cathedral of Learning)

Peregrine Chat Tonight with Dr. Katzner + his new Book

Tonight from 7:00pm-7:30pm, Dr. Todd Katzner will be on the Cathedral of Learning webcam chat to answer your questions about peregrine falcons.  

Dr. Katzner is Director of Conservation and Field Research at the National Aviary and a raptor expert who’s spent years studying eagles around the world. 

His experiences and those of others led him to co-edit a new book with Dr. Ruth E. Tingay — The Eagle Watchers — just released by Cornell University Press. 

In the book, Dr. Katzner and 28 other field biologists provide an insider’s view of what it’s like to study eagles in remote locations around the globe. 

Each chapter is a field trip, a personal narrative that chronicles harrowing and sometimes humorous adventures and provides rare insight into the lives and behaviors of eagles.  The book features stunning color photographs, information on raptor conservation, and a global list of eagle species and their conservation status.

Tingay and Katzner want their book to help birds of prey in more ways than one.  Proceeds from the book will benefit Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania and the National Birds of Prey Trust in the United Kingdom.  

You can purchase The Eagle Watchers from Cornell University Press or Amazon

And remember, to participate in tonight’s online chat about peregrines just login at the “Please sign in or sign up for free” links on the Cathedral of Learning webcam page.

(photo from Cornell University Press and The National Aviary)

Crowfoot or Buttercup?

Crowfoot or buttercup?  This flower is both. 

In my Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide it’s called Small-flowered Crowfoot.  An alternate name is Kidney-leaved Buttercup.  Its Latin name is Ranunculus abortivus.

This small flower is not spectacular but I’m always happy to see it because it has a crow in its name.

And.. speaking of crows, here’s a new report showing how smart they are:  Clever crows can use three tools!

(photo by Dianne Machesney, who calls it Kidney-leaved Buttercup)

Chat with Dr. Todd Katzner, April 28 at 7:00pm

This Wednesday, April 28, Dr. Todd Katzner of the National Aviary will be available from 7:00pm-7:30pm in the Cathedral of Learning webcam chat to answer your questions about peregrines. 

Dr. Katzner is a raptor expert, the Director of Conservation and Field Research at the National Aviary and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.  His research includes satellite tracking of eastern golden eagles to assess the risks of wind energy development in their migration corridor. 

To participate on Wednesday at 7:00pm, login at the “Please sign in or sign up for free” links on the Cathedral of Learning webcam page

Bring your questions for a lively discussion.

Who is Who at Gulf Tower?

Side by side comparison: Dori and Louie at the Gulf Tower, spring 2010
Side by side comparison: Dori and Louie at the Gulf Tower, spring 2010

Here are some quick tips for telling the difference between the two adult peregrines on the Gulf Tower falconcam.

Dori, the female, is on the left, her mate Louie is on the right.  These clues are listed in order of importance:

  • Dori has white patches where her wings meet her body.  They are almost like “headlights” because they stand out when she faces you.
  • Louie does not have white patches near his wings.  Instead he has a large white patch on the nape of his neck.  You can see this easily when he bows.
  • Dori is much larger than Louie.  The next photo is a side-by-side example showing the difference.  Notice Dori’s long wingtips and tail.  When she stands or turns in the nest box her tail often touches the wall.
  • And (as Mary DeV reminded me in a comment) Louie’s beak is a brighter yellow than Dori’s.


Here are two more photos showing Dori, then Louie, in the same scrape.  She is large!  He is small.  Female peregrines are larger than males.

I have written their band numbers on the photos even though it’s nearly impossible to read them on camera.

Dori is large; her tail touches the wall (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)
Dori is large; her tail touches the wall (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)


Louie is small (photo from the NationalAviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)
Louie is small (photo from the NationalAviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)

If you see both birds together you can identify them immediately by size, as shown in the photo below. Dori is huge. No wonder Louie bows low!

Watch them online here and see if you can tell the difference.


(photos from the National Aviary webcam at the Gulf Tower. Thanks to Marianne Atkinson for capturing the big bowing screen shot.)

Happy Family in the Sun

It’s been a beautiful sunny day here with highs in the mid 60s. 

Sunshine is rare — and it’ll rain this weekend — so lots of people are out sunbathing at Schenley Plaza across the street from the Cathedral of Learning.  They aren’t the only ones.

Early this afternoon both Dorothy and E2 took turns sunbathing on the nest gravel.  Here’s a photo of E2 sunbathing while Dorothy broods the chicks. 

Can you see in the photo how E2 and one of the chicks are looking at each other?  That little bird is having some quality time with Mom and Dad.


And here’s proof there is still one unhatched egg.  It was laid approximately two days after incubation had already started so it needs more time before it’ll hatch.  That will probably be tomorrow, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t hatch at all.  Some years Dorothy has an egg that doesn’t hatch.

(photos from the National Aviary snapshot cam at the University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning)

Anatomy: Brood Patch

Brood patch on a female kestrel (photo by Jared B. Clarke, Birding Saskatchewan blog)

23 April 2010

Imagine trying to keep your children warm on a cold night by hugging them to the outside of your winter coat. They will still be cold unless you open your coat and hug them to your skin.

Birds incubate their eggs and brood their chicks by “opening their coats” to keep their children warm. 

Feathers are great insulation so during the nesting season birds must develop a bare patch of skin — a brood patch — to allow the eggs to come in direct contact with their bellies.  The brood patch also has extra blood vessels close to the skin to heat the eggs.   At the end of the nesting season the blood vessels recede and the feathers grow back to keep the adult warm.

In species where only the female incubates, the male doesn’t develop a brood patch.  In peregrines, Birds of the World explains that both male and female peregrine have brood patches: “Both sexes have paired lateral brood patches.  Less well developed in male.” Peregrine couples share incubation.

If you watch the streaming webcams you’ll see the adult peregrines rock up-and-down and side-to-side as they settle on the nest.  This rocking opens the feathers that have curled over the brood patch and puts their skin in contact with the eggs or chicks.

Shown here is a brood patch on a female American kestrel, North America’s smallest falcon.  The person holding the bird reveals the brood patch and the downy black feathers surrounding it by blowing upward on the bird’s belly.  

Imagine how cold a brooding falcon can get in an updraft!

(photo by Jared B. Clarke, author of Bird Banding in Saskatchewan from his May 6, 2009 blog, Eggs have been laid)

Happy Hatch Day!

The peregrine eggs at the University of Pittsburgh began hatching tonight. 

Here is Dorothy and E2’s first chick, just hatched at 11:20pm, in a nighttime snapshot illuminated by infrared light.

The chick has flapped and moved its wing as Dorothy bends over it (red arrow).  Its head is resting on the eggshell.  We could even hear it peeping on the webcam. 

See more pictures below.  Watch the webcam here.

Happy Hatch Day!

 <= Dorothy looks down at the chick still inside the egg shell.

April 22, 11:18am, Dorothy feeds her first chick of 2010. Notice the pip holes in two of the other eggs. The pip hole in one of them is facing away a little.

April 22, 11:57am. Two peregrine chicks have just hatched.  Dorothy allows them to dry.

April 22, 3:06pm. Dorothy feeds four hungry babies. Only one egg is left to hatch.

(photos from the National Aviary webcam at University of Pittsburgh)