Three chicks have hatched at the Gulf Tower and, as you can see by the cracked egg at this morning’s feeding, the fourth is about to come out of his shell.
p.s. The image is black-and-white because there’s not enough light for the camera to show color. Dark clouds are blowing by, stormy weather today.
(photo from the National Aviary falconcam at the Gulf Tower)
What a beautiful image!
They are so cute! Isn’t it amazing how nature makes baby animals cute?
Number four just hatched.
12:29 PM, looks like the 4th chick just hatched minutes ago and is currently curled up next to Dori drying off.
I’m watching a feeding and just counted 4 little heads
Swedish hymn:
Oh, let me nestle near thee, within thy downy breast.
Where I will find sweet comfort & peace within thy nest.
Oh close thy wings around me & keep me safely there.
For I am but a newborn & I need thy tender care.
keeps running through my head when these moms tuck their chicks…….
The fifth egg hatched Friday night around 10PM – 5 for 5!