Bird blog and peregrine fans, let’s have a reunion!
Back in March at WQED’s peregrine event, we met a lanner falcon who was training for the National Aviary’s new Sky Deck flight show. I promised then that we’d get together this summer to see him fly. Now’s the time. Let’s go to Sky Deck.
I’ve arranged with Steve Sarro, the Aviary’s Director of Animal Programs, for a fun-filled afternoon in late August. We’ll meet Steve at:
The National Aviary, 700 Arch Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
East Entrance on Arch Street, Concierge desk
at 2:00 pm on Monday, August 22 (*).
He’ll give us a personal tour of the Aviary. Then we’ll go up on the roof for the 3:30pm Sky Deck show. It’s an open air theater where the raptors fly free. We’ll be thrilled by acrobatic black kites, a powerful martial eagle, and the lanner falcons who remind us of peregrines. Here’s a lanner on the lure (which resembles a bird) at Sky Deck in June.
The cost is:
- Members of the National Aviary: $5 per person for Sky Deck
- Non-members: $18 per person (includes $13 admission + $5 Sky Deck)
- If our group has 15 or more non-members at the Concierge Desk that day, we’ll get a group rate of $9 per non-member.
Sky Deck seating is limited to 50 people so be sure to email me at if you plan to come. We don’t want to turn anyone away at the door. (NOTE: All Sky Deck attendees must be at least 42” tall, no babies and no strollers.)
Hope you can make it! I’m looking forward to seeing you.
For directions and information about the National Aviary, see their website at
(photo by Chuck Tague)
p.s. (*) Sky Deck performances require good weather. If all day rain or severe afternoon weather is certain on August 22, we’ll go on Tuesday, August 23 instead. Watch the blog for updates.
E-mail is sent!!!!
Thanks for making the arrangements, Kate! Steve is a wonderful host. What a great way to finish off the season
Unfortunately I’m a working stiff and will be at w*rk
Have fun!
I’ll be at work too
I do hope that you report on your experience Kate 
Thanks for arranging this, Kate! Ken and I just got back in town and I’m playing catch up with news and events. We will be there.