This morning I’m being lazy. Every May I remind Pittsburgh’s peregrine fans to Save the Date for the Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch. What I wrote last year is worth saying again this year, so here’s the same text with new dates.
My favorite week of the year is coming soon: Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch
As amazing as it seems, Dorothy and E2’s youngsters will be ready to fly in early June. They’ll lose their fluffy, white, Buddha-look and become sleek with brown and cream-colored feathers. And then they’ll learn to fly.
While they’re learning, the young peregrines walk and flap on the ledges above their nest. It’s easy to see them with binoculars so I sit at the Schenley Plaza tent (shown above) to watch the fun.
Come join me to see the youngsters exercise their wings. Watch Dorothy and E2 show their kids how to fly. Swap stories about peregrines and the nesting year.
Save these dates, weather permitting. (I guarantee the weather will change this schedule, so watch the blog for the latest updates.)
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 4 – 6, 1:00pm to 2:00pm. The chicks will be walking on the ledges near the nest and easy to see from the ground. I’ll spend my lunch hour at the tent hoping my first-flight hunch is correct. Will the first baby fly on June 5? Come join me and see.
- Thursday and Friday, June 7 & 8, noon to 2:00pm. I’m staying longer on Thursday and Friday because I think these will be the best days (but I may be wrong).
- probably Thursday and Friday evenings, 5:30pm to 7:00pm. If midday is good, I’ll be at the tent after work, too. These times may change — stay tuned.
- Saturday June 9, 10:00am to 2:00pm. Almost all the chicks will have flown by Saturday but the family’s focus may still be at the nest area. Watch for news on the blog during the week of June 4.
- Sunday June 10, no time set yet. This is a rain date whose schedule depends on what the peregrines are doing.
Don’t miss the fun. Plan on joining me at the tent for Pitt Peregrine Fledge Watch.
See these links (May 31, June 3, June 4) for news of last year’s fun and this Peregrine FAQ that describes what you’ll see on camera as the young peregrines leave the nest.
(photo of the Schenley Plaza tent by Kate St. John)
I’ll be there Tuesday, Thursday – Sunday.
I take vacation during Fledge Week