Downtown Peregrine Eggs Have Hatched!

Louie prepares breakfast, 21 April 2013 (photo by Mark W. Anderson)

From March 18 until yesterday, April 21, there was almost nothing to report from the Downtown peregrines’ nest.  Without a camera at the site we have to rely on in-person observations but the birds were elusive and rarely seen.

Then yesterday Amanda McGuire emailed me this picture that her boyfriend, Mark Anderson, took at 8:17am.  It’s Louie plucking prey at the edge of Amanda’s balcony.  (Louie’s face is obscured by the railing.  Mark took the photo through a window so as not to disturb him.)

Peregrines don’t take food to their nests unless they’re feeding young.  The fact that Louie was preparing breakfast from a perch that overlooks his nest was new behavior and a hopeful sign that the eggs had hatched.

I stopped by the street late yesterday afternoon.  As I pulled up I saw Louie fly into the nest but I didn’t have my binoculars out (heck, I was driving) so I couldn’t be sure he was carrying prey.  I parked and waited to see what would happen next.

Louie left the nest but soon returned and walked into the nook.  I could hear him chirping as if he was having a conversation with Dori … and the kids?  After a few minutes he flew away.

He returned again!  Three visits in only 15 minutes!  Something really interesting was happening in the nest.

And then he flew away with the garbage.  I could see it clearly in his beak.

Woo hoo!  The eggs have hatched at the Downtown peregrines’ nest.


(photo by Mark W. Anderson)

p.s.  35 days elapsed from the last time Louie was active on the balcony.  Peregrine eggs hatch in 33-35 days.  Right on time!

4 thoughts on “Downtown Peregrine Eggs Have Hatched!

  1. I echo what sharon said – WOO HOO!!! Wonderful news, Kate! Thanks, Amanda and Mark, for sharing and keeping everyone updated.

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