The Grandkids

Dot and Henry's 3 eggs (photo by Chad+Chris Saladin)

I’m counting the grandkids before they’ve hatched but here are three of Dorothy and E2’s grandchildren from Shaker Heights, Ohio.  They’ve been laid in a bowl of moss beneath two floodlights.

These eggs are especially sweet to me because I watched their father closely when he was young.

Perhaps you remember Henry, too, born at the Cathedral of Learning in 2011.  Shortly after his sister Yellow died when she flew into a window, Henry hit the same building.  Stunned and wobbly he flew home to recuperate.

Though he was old enough to start hunting on his own, he must have looked ill.  Dorothy and E2 brought him food and continued feeding him for weeks afterward.  He begged loudly when they “weaned” him later.

That fall Henry left town and was not heard of until April 29, 2012 when he appeared in Shaker Heights at a site abandoned by the previous peregrines because of human disturbance.  Henry was still a juvenile but he claimed Tower East as his own.

This spring Henry attracted an unbanded female and courtship ensued.  Pretty soon it looked like Dot and Henry were nesting, but where?

With help from building maintenance, Chis Saladin explored Tower East a week ago and found the nest with two very protective parents.  Here’s Dot in the foreground with Henry flying behind, shouting and swooping.

Dot and Henry defending their nest (photo by Chad+Chris Saladin)

By now there may be more eggs and, if this improvised site works, baby peregrines next month.

Congratulations, Henry and Dot.  And congratulations to grandparents Dorothy and E2 who are expecting their own eggs to hatch any day now.

A big thank you goes to “Bobbytimewarp” and Chad+Chris Saladin for keeping an eye on Henry, Dot and their nest.

For more news of Henry and Dot see the Ohio Falcon Forum for Tower East.


(photos by Chad+Chris Saladin)

5 thoughts on “The Grandkids

  1. Oh Kate, I remember Henry, too, and how we all worried after he was injured. What wonderful news that he has a mate and they have eggs.

    Cannot wait until the Pitt babies make their appearance which should be soon. What magnificent birds these peregrines are!

  2. I was so happy to learn last week that Henry & Dot have eggs! I’ll be visiting that area in June (probably the 9th or 10th) and hope to get another look at our big boy. But since they’re breeding kind of late in the season, I’m not having much hope of seeing babies! They may be hatched by then, but I doubt the kids will be ledge-walking yet. Oh well!

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