Tall Bellflower in Bloom

fThree stems of Tall Bellflower joined by a vine (photo by Kate St. John)

I almost forgot the name of this plant when I found it blooming last weekend.

Despite the fact that the flower is not bell-shaped, this plant is called tall bellflower (Campanulastrum americanum).  The flowers are a pretty shade of cornflower blue and have an ornate pistil arrangement that looks like a stripped down version of the purple passion flower, also known as maypops.

Here are side-by-side close-ups of maypops and tall bellflower so you can see what I mean.

Compare purple passion flower to tall bellflower (photo of maypops from Wikimedia Commons, photo of bellflower by Kate St. John)


The stems in the first photo are in an unusual arrangement.  They’re bunched because a vine wrapped the three together.  Click here for a more typical view.


(tall bellflower photos by Kate St. John. Maypops from this page at Wikimedia Commons)