Monthly Archives: March 2015

Woo Hoo!

Dori and Louie court at the Gulf Tower nest, 6 Mar2015 (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)

Yesterday I fretted that Dori and Louie might not nest at the Gulf Tower because they hadn’t been seen there since February 20. I was so concerned that they might be using their old nest site on Third Avenue that I went over there at 5:00pm to find them. But no peregrines.

This morning I pulled two motion detection images from the Gulfcam and found out why they weren’t at Third Avenue.

Here they are after everyone left for the weekend!

Just after 5:50 pm Friday, Louie was moving so fast he was a blur.  🙂

Louie lifts off from the nestbox at Gulf Tower (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at Gulf Tower)

Woo hoo!


(photos from the National Aviary falconcam at the Gulf Tower, Pittsburgh)

What’s Up With These Peregrines?

Magnum perched at Neville Island while her mate flies by, 28 Feb 2015 (photo by Anne Marie Bosnyak)

February and March are great times to watch peregrine courtship in Pittsburgh.  Unfortunately our two sites with webcams — Pitt and the Gulf Tower — have little or no courtship activity.  What’s up with these peregrines?

Nearly every day I visit the University of Pittsburgh to check on Dorothy and E2.  They’re usually perched on the Cathedral of Learning but they don’t make courtship flights like they did in the old days.  This is probably because, at age 16, Dorothy isn’t interested anymore.  She seems to be in “hen-o-pause” since her egg bound episode last spring.

Sadly this means the pair is rarely on the webcam.  Twice last week E2 tried to lure Dorothy to the nest but she visited only once.  This is in stark contrast to her prior habit of sitting at the nest for hours and courting several times a day, even in February snow.  I don’t expect any peregrine chicks while Dorothy is in charge.

At Gulf there’s a beautiful new HD webcam — and no peregrines!  They visited the nest on February 7 and 20 but Ann Hohn at Make-A-Wish confirms what the camera says:  No peregrines have been there for two weeks.  This is highly unusual if they intend to nest at Gulf.  I wondered if they’d gone back to their old 2012-2013 nest site near Point Park University so I checked it last Saturday.  No peregrines there.  No peregrines anywhere Downtown.  What’s up?  I don’t know.

The bright spots have been the bridges.

I’ve only been to the Westinghouse Bridge once this year, but I saw a peregrine perched on it when I drove by on February 22.  At Tarentum I saw both peregrines in courtship flight on nestbox-installation day.  And at the Neville Island I-79 Bridge, Anne Marie Bosnyak saw the peregrines court and mate last Saturday.  They even stayed long enough for Anne Marie to go home for her camera and take these beautiful photos of Magnum and her mate.  Love is in the air at Neville.

Magnum at Neville Island, 28 Feb 2015 (photo by Anne Marie Bosnyak)

So far there are no sightings at the Monaca-East Rochester Bridge, the McKees Rocks Bridge, and the Greentree water tower — though that doesn’t mean there aren’t peregrines.

If you have any news, post a comment to let us know … What’s up with these peregrines?


(photos of Magnum and her mate by Anne Marie Bosnyak)

p.s. Folks in Johnstown are hoping their lone male peregrine on the First National Bank Building attracts a mate soon.

Cover Your Ears

Opossum in winter (photo by Cris Hamilton)

After Tuesday night’s high of 49oF we’re headed for 1oF tonight.  Everything that lives outdoors is in for a huge surprise.  Opossums, in particular, should watch out.

Opossums’ thin ears and naked tails are prone to frostbite.  Though normally nocturnal, they come out during the day when they’re hungry.  That’s how Cris Hamilton photographed this one at her bird feeders in early 2011.

And yes, her backyard possum had a hard winter that year.  His ears are pink because they’re frostbitten.

Opossums! Cover your ears tonight … or stay indoors.


(photo by Cris Hamilton)



Selective Attention In Chickens

4 March 2015

I love the title but … What the heck is Selective Attention and who cares about it in chickens?   (Don’t worry, there’s fun at the end.)

Selective attention — the ability to focus in the midst of distractions — is something we humans do well.  For instance, we can listen to one person in a crowded noisy room and focus completely on what they’re saying, tuning out everything else.  This is useful!

Selective attention has been studied extensively in primates.  Do birds possess this skill?

Anecdotally, I’d say “Yes.”  I’ve watched red-tailed hawks keenly focused while hunting next to busy roads.  They tune out all the traffic and successfully catch their prey.  Unfortunately some are way too good at ignoring traffic and are struck and killed by vehicles.

No one had proven selective attention in birds until researchers at Stanford University’s School of Medicine gave chickens quick visual cues to see if they would peck outside the (virtual) box.  Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2014, “The results show that chickens shift spatial attention rapidly and dynamically, following principles of stimulus selection that closely parallel those documented in primates.”

Click here to watch the chicken peck the X in the middle. Then a quick flash of light attracts his attention.  Birds and primates both inherited this cognitive skill.

And now a quiz for you:  Remember how I said we’re good at tuning out distractions?  Watch this video to test your own selective attention …

… and you’ll understand how really focused we are!

(photo from Wikimedia Commons; click the caption to see the original.)

A Mimic On Two Levels

Margay cat or "tree ocelot" (photo from iStockphoto/Jeff Grabert via Science Daily)

One glance tells you this wild cat’s fur mimics his dappled forest habitat.  Amazingly, he can mimic on another level, too.

The margay (Leopardus wiedii) is a nocturnal feline of Central and South America that looks like a small ocelot.  Longer and lighter weight than a pampered house cat, he weighs 5.7-8.8 pounds and is 32-51 inches long (including his long tail!).

The margay lives in trees in the tropical forest and rarely comes to the ground because he doesn’t need to.  He’s so well adapted to climbing that his ankles rotate 180 degrees so he can walk down trees head first.  He can also leap 12 feet straight up to capture small mammals, birds, lizards and tree frogs.

In Brazil one mammal on the margay’s menu is the pied tamarin (Saguinus bicolor), a small primate the size of a squirrel.

Pied tamarin (photo by Whaldener Endo via Wikimedia Commons)

Native Amazonians have long known that the margay can mimic the sound of this monkey, but it wasn’t recently that the rest of the world found out.

In 2005 researchers watched a group of eight pied tamarins feeding high in a ficus tree when a margay, hidden in dense liana vines, tried to lure them by mimicking the call of a tamarin pup. A tamarin “sentinel” climbed down to investigate the noise, then started to warn the rest of the group, but four other tamarins were so confounded by the baby tamarin sound that they too climbed down to see.  At that moment, the margay emerged from the foliage, walking head first down the trunk, and jumped toward the monkeys. Realizing the ruse, the sentinel screamed an alarm and all the tamarins fled. (*)

The Wildlife Conservation Society reported this incident in 2010, the first recorded instance of a wild cat species in the Americas mimicking the calls of its prey.

Pied tamarins are endangered and the margay is “near threatened.”  Large primates (humans) have killed the margay for its fur and the pied tamarin for food.  We’re lucky to have heard of this mimickry trick before it disappeared.

Read more about it here in Science Daily.


(Margay photo from iStockphoto/Jeff Grabert via Science Daily. Pied tamarin photo from Wikimedia Commons/Whaldener Endo, Creative Commons license. Click on the images to see their originals.)

Heads Up!

Icy sidewalk,2 Mar 2015 (photo by Kate St. John)

Mountains in Alaska?  No, my icy sidewalk.

Yesterday more than three inches of wet snow fell across Pittsburgh.  Sometimes it changed to rain.  Overnight it froze.

Expecting dangerous footing, I put on my ice cleats and went out to see.

Stabilicer ice cleats (photo by Kate St. John)


Under light snow on the sidewalk … Viola, a glacier!

Icy sidewalk, 2 Mar 2015 (photo by Kate St. John

That’s not all.  Last night I noticed that my car, parked on the street, was standing in three inches of water because ice dams prevented the water from draining.  In the dark I heaved snow and water to the storm drain, hoping to prevent my tires from being locked in ice this morning.  What do you think? Am I stuck?

Tire in ice (photo by Kate St. John)

I spread salt and came indoors, feeling a little smug that my ice cleats worked so well.

But the ice has one more trick up its sleeve.

Warning sign, Montreal, falling snow and ice (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

Heads up!

(all photos by Kate St. John, except the ice warning sign in Montreal is by Paul Joseph via Wikimedia Commons. Click on the sign to see its original)

Poised To Drop

Wingstem seeds poised to drop, Feb 2015 (photo by Kate St. John)

In two months of freezing weather the wingstem’s papery seed pods have worn away.  The seeds are exposed and the heads are bowed, poised to drop.

I know they’ve changed because the pods stood straight up on January 1.

Wingstem seeds, North Park, 1 Jan 2015 (photo by Kate St. John)

The seeds are ready for Spring … when it arrives.


(photos by Kate St. John)