Dorothy Laid An Egg

Dorothy inspects her egg, 2 April 2015, 6:41am (snapshot from the Naitonal Aviary falconcam at University of Pittsburgh)

Dorothy laid her first egg of 2015 this morning at 6:41 am at the Cathedral of Learning.

At 16 years old she is elderly for a peregrine falcon, so every egg is a miracle.  This is her latest ever first egg date.  In her prime, she always laid in mid March.

Shortly after laying the egg, she called E2 and he came to see.

Dorothy and E2 discuss the first egg (photo from the National Aviary falconcam at University of Pittsburgh)


7:52am:  E2 brought breakfast for Dorothy. After she left to eat he zoomed in to guard the egg.

E2 arrives to guard the egg (snapshot from the National Aviary falconcam at University of Pittsburgh)


And here’s a video of the egg laying, thanks to Bill Powers at PixController. There is no color in the video because it happened just before dawn.

Watch Dorothy and E2 here on the National Aviary falconcam at the Cathedral of Learning.

If you’re new to peregrines, click here for information on their nesting habits.  Learn about the color of their eggs and their strategy for incubation.


(snapshot from the National Aviary falconcam at the University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning)

13 thoughts on “Dorothy Laid An Egg

  1. Oh my goodness, Dorothy and E2. Kind of like old times. Although long odds, will keep fingers crossed and pray for a miracle at the Cathedral of Learning. So sad that there is no activity at Gulf.

  2. So happy for Dorothy and E2 of course – hope all goes well – will enjoy watching as in so many years past.

  3. Wow. This is quite a surprise. Sad to say I will not get my hopes up again like last year and let’s hope she’s ok. Boy those instincts just love to kick in, don’t they? Prayers and fingers crossed that maybe we will have an eyass (sp) this year. You go Dorothy & E2! 🙂

  4. since she is not incubating, does this mean that she is trying to have more eggs. if she incubates on the next-to-last, that would mean that she is planning on having three???

    1. Dave, if she feels like there are more eggs coming she will wait. In her prime she usually laid 5.

  5. I just saw that Dorothy has laid a second egg. Oh my! This is really exciting. Praying for the best.

  6. Thanks Kate,
    She did again. I teared up. Creation never ceases to amaze me.
    We will certainly watch the Nature special this week on nest building thanks for whetting our appetite.

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