What did the Pitt peregrine chick do when he flew on Sunday June 21 and when did he do it?
Yesterday I received some photos that filled in a piece of the puzzle.
On Sunday morning Mike Meucci was on campus near Heinz Chapel when he saw two birds of prey on the lawn. The two looked like an adult and youngster but they were actually a red-tailed hawk with Silver(*), the Pitt peregrine chick. Unaware of their identity, Mike took several pictures.
The photos indicate that some time before 11:26am Silver had flown from the nest and landed with amazing accuracy in the roped off area where humans aren’t allowed to walk. In the first photo you can see Fifth Avenue, Tennyson, and Alumni Hall in the background.
A red-tailed hawk came down to see the peregrine. Notice the size difference. Peregrine falcons are indeed smaller than red-tailed hawks. And notice that their faces differ. The peregrine has a malar stripe.

Fledgling peregrines are curious, not threatening, but Dorothy and E2 beat up the campus red-tailed hawks if they dare to fly above the treetops. This hawk knows Silver’s parents well and keeps a low profile.
The red-tailed hawk scanned the sky a lot. “I hope your parents don’t see me!”

“Just thinking about peregrines makes me raise my head feathers!”

Unfazed by this encounter, Silver later walked to Heinz Chapel and climbed the steps where he was reported to and guarded by the Pitt Police.
When Fledge Watchers heard the peregrine chick was on the ground at 2:30pm we were temporarily confused because we never saw him fly. (Of course! He was on the lawn more than half an hour before we began our watch at noon.) And we wondered if the report was about a red-tailed hawk since they often stand on the ground.
Well, yes, there was a red-tailed hawk on the ground near Heinz Chapel … but that was three hours earlier.
(photos by Mike Meucci)
(*) A NOTE ABOUT THE BIRD’S NAME: If you have questions/comments about the temporary name “Silver” first read the information at these links: How peregrine chicks get temporary names and adults get permanent names, and How the name does not affect the bird’s destiny. Please be sure to read the all comments at these links — all the way back to June 1 — as well as the name comments here before posting your own comment about names. My apologies in advance, but if your comment was already asked/answered it will not be posted here.
Good morning, Kate. Silver sure is one feisty bird. Love your comment about his walking to Heinz Chapel. It was interesting that the hawk came over to check out the situation. Nice to get the pictures and thanks for sharing.
Silver seems to be fledge walking this morning. We can hear him but can’t see him. Hoping that if he decides to go again today, he has good results.
Thanks, Kate !! What wonderful pictures and it really helps to see in my mind how it
For someone who had a rough start, Silver sure does seem to have a lot of moxie!
Kate you can’t make this stuff up. If there were video of this whole thing it would go viral. As I type Silver chick is gone? 6-23-15 7:35 AM This chick is full of surprises. The Videomark by Pgh64Eaglefan “Return of Silver Parts 1 and 2″could not have been more surprising since I looked at those videomarks before checking your blog today about Sundays episode. I am looking at this Videomark entitled “Return of Silver” not imagining what that means and I see a falcon acting very excited wings out and jumping around loudly calling out and at the same time I hear two or three people talking and I think oh that must be Pgh64EagleFan and family talking over the Videomark as it was made? As if that were technically possible? It was too funny. Then all of a sudden an animal carrier crate comes into the camera frame in the nest box as the falcon in the nest backs up. I didn’t get to see who came out of the carrier crate because of my android device I am viewing from froze but then the title of the Videomark became clear and the voices were the PA Game Commission Officers to the rescue coaxing Silver out of the crate. But where did they find her? Then I went to your blog and what a surprise Silver on the ground visiting with a neighbor. You were maybe 200 yards away just unbelievable.
I thank Pgh64EagleFan and you for a great video/photo/story. All compliments of Silver.
Best Regards. “Hi Ho Silver, Away!”
Nest box is empty!
Because the camera view is so limited we cannot know where the bird is while we are on our computers. The bird might still be on the building. It is not life threatening — or even uncomfortable — for the bird to wait on the ground. AND as of 9:05am the bird is still up there, heard on camera.
I forgot to thank Mike Meucci for taking pictures of Silver on the ground by the Cathedral of Learning visiting with a Hawk. Unbelievable. Thanks to Mike Meucci for the pictures and giving them to Kate to post. Thank Mike for calling the Pitt Police to come to secure Silver until the PA Game Commission Officers could get there to return Silver safely to her nest to her eagerly waiting mom. He probably saved Silver along with the Pitt police and the PA Game Commission Officers.
Here is hoping the hawk and Silver remain friends. I have a feeling Silver will need a few who mentor and protect him, having no idea about other winged creatures other than mom and dad.
Vicki D … actually Silver will learn to beat up red-tailed hawks.
PS…Yay to Mike Meucci for these photos!
I’m glad there are pictures of his first really big adventure. Do you think that Dorothy and E2 were aware of this encounter? I’m glad the hawk didn’t harm Silver. But what a first flight this bird had. I thought the kayak riding hawk had a great time but Silvers sure had a lot more excitement!
I can’t take any credit for alerting the police as I didn’t realize this was Silver. I sent Matt Orres these pics Monday morning who forwarded them to Kate. Matt and I work in the Union Trust Building where Louie often perches and since I knew he had been in contact with Kate, I figured the pics might be of interest… I was just in the right place at the right time, I guess!
I am unable to view any of the video marks even though I log in. Is there a separate website where these cam be viewed?
Gindy, I don’t know
Thank you Mike Meucci … and Matt Orres … and Pitt Police and GC of PA … and Kate.
Question(s) :
(1) : Can Peregrines see color ?? Green = grass = good … grey = “street” = NOT good . OR : Did Silver just “go” for the “biggest landing strip” ?
Also : I am not familiar with the Pitt campus.
(2) How far away was Silver’s “landing strip” from the tower ? Horizontally : right in front of the scrape … 5 Blocks away … behind..?
(3) And final Q : How far was the “walk” to Heinz Chapel ? Did Silver have to cross any streets ?
Thank you.
ReA, quick answer: Silver didn’t have to cross any streets at all. It’s a big place. Go to pitt.edu to see maps
When I went to the site Sunday morning to see Silver at 9:10 A.M. he was gone. I called my daughter immediately and told her. so when people are saying this all happened towards noon. It just isn’t true.
He is gone again NOW, and it sounds like he is on a ledge beneath his nest with his mother who has food for him.
Pat Wylie, by ‘site’ do you mean ‘website’? If so, please see this comment http://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/2015/06/23/another-piece-of-the-puzzle/#comment-159924
I just love your posts. I have so enjoyed watching the little guy develop and have shared with my workmates, husband and grandchildren. Thank you again.
Thank You Kate .
I checked out the campus map … East, South, West and North do NOT apply to the Cathedral of Learning …
So :
The scrape faces :
(A) Forbes
(B) Bigelow
(C) 5 th
(D) Bellefield
I guess my “important” question is : Judging from the location of the landing strip and the scrape … :
Did Silver “steer” (right wing/ left wing… up/down … go side to side… go around “corners” … ) ? OR did Silver just “plop” down straight — obviously, “sail” a little ?
Thank You
ReA, he sailed to the left. All of them go that way
Just kidding, but interesting.
Thank you .
ReA, the wind goes that way so they go with the wind
This is the first year I have watched the cam on a regular basis, I will miss seeing this little one. I am very surprised the Red-Tailed Hawk didn’t take Silver for a easy meal.
Kate there is a post under pix controller stating Dorothy looks confused and baby was squaking like help was needed. Do you think there is a problem andcthe little guy is stranded?
Judy, I have not seen the post on Pixcontroller but it is incorrect. Silver squawks because he is loud and demanding, not because he is in trouble. Peregrines who are loud are just fine. Loud is good.
Thanks Kate for all the info and thanks Mike Meucci for the pictures. I was just wondering though, did the hawk leave first and was going to leave Silver alone or did Silver just turn away and left? Just wondering if someone wouldn’t have been there would the hawk have hurt him.
Diane, no one saw what happened next
This maybe a stupid question but do you think Dorothy and E2 know where Silver is and is he safe. Worried.
Lori, he has been heard on the camera which means he is exploring below the nest. He might do this for 24 hours. It is a safe place
Earlier today, I saw what looked like the adult male putting an end to Fuzzy. Needless to say, I don’t want to believe my eyes. In fact since the adult bird was not facing camera, most of this awful event could not be seen. I keep thinking maybe it wasn’t what it seemed. I keep hoping maybe, but the more see of empty nest, the more I’m sure I saw what I saw. But if it was what it looked like, could there be a reason? Like maybe the little one was injured from a failed flight?
Whatever is the case, I am aware nature is at play, as it should be. But I am very sad, and still hoping.
I want to thank you and the PA Game people for making it possible to see the nests, and I know we are so lucky to have your blog and excellent photos of all the wonders of nature.
Ellie, fortunately you are mistaken. Peregrines eat birds so you saw one eat a bird but not the peregrine chick. Peregrine parents do not kill their own children. Please note that the chick is brown now and the same size as his parents.
Kate we are all jumping out of our skins,over this little one. Grown very attached
Thanks Kate. I feel better now. I know that anything can happen but it’s just been such a long and rocky road for this little one it would be a shame if it didn’t make it.
Staying positive.
Silver just went down to the lower campus to mingle with some students before her graduation.
[This is a joke, folks.]
So Silver is on the ground now John Thompson? Can he fly back up, do we know or will he have to get taken back up to nest by PGC?
LuAnn, John Thomson was making a joke.
Kate, are the watchers staying now it’s raining? Any Silver sightings today? Thanks.
Pa Gal, we left just before 2pm because of an approaching thunderstorm.
Ok, thanks Kate. Have you seen Silver at all today or do we think he is around the nest area?
Kate, I want to thank you very much for all you updates. It’s certainly been a very interesting ride. Little chick (who is not so little now) has kept us all on our toes.

I hope we get at least one more update so we know he’s out there and ok.
This is my first year with you watching your lovely Falcons and I am already looking forward to next year. A big thank you to all involved in this project and my best wishes from the UK to you all
Check on facebook: Pitt Peregrines. There’s a photo of Silver from earlier today hanging out in an ornate carving below the nest.
Claire, OOOPS! I was not in Facebook & thought you meant E2’s special ornate *window* which he was in during Fledge Watch. Yes, the pic you mention is of Silver in the “keyhole.”
Gindy………. if you come back to the comments and haven’t found the “Videomarks” that we cited to view the “Silver is Returned” and “Return of Silver Part 2” created by “Pgh64EagleFan” here is why you can’t find any “Videomarks” which “WildEarthtv” (The producers of these particular web cams) coined the word for short “archived” video on any of WildEarth’s web cams which are around 40 different sites in North America and Africa where their company originates. You are either watching the Cathedral Falcons player on the “National Aviary” Website or The “PixController” Falcon Website player. They have the same streaming video player but neither have access to the “Videomarks”, “Archives” or Chat”on their website. These can only be found on “WildEarthtv’s” Website. Just type “WildEarth Cathedral Falcons” and click on that page where you will find all of the “Videomarks”below the player screen which viewers have put up since Silver was just an egg until the present along with “Videomarks of all the other Webcams that WildEarthtv produces which can be accessed from tab at top of page along with Live cams – Archives – Comments . You can make your own “Videomark” if you want. After registering on their website you can “Create” you own from “Archives”. Instructions on how to do it may be gotten by asking a “Videomark creator” bottom of any “Videomark” is a place for comments. When you register at top right of any WildEarth webcam page just click on register they only ask for name/username/password/email address and you can chat as well as be a “Videomark creator”. You can look at Videomarks without registering and you can look at Archive photos which can be seen in 1 minute/5 minute/10 minute/30 minute or 1 hour intervals going back many days months? You choose the webcam you want to view archives of then choose time interval of photos then day you want. When you click on a still photo in archive you will view a video of a short period of action around the day and time photo you clicked on. After reviewing the clip if you want to share in “Videomarks” for others to see just replay and right at the start click on box that says “Videomark” it will freeze and a box will come up to type in subject of Videomark and some description if you like for others to see if they are interested in your clip. There are some functions that I am not aware of so you can ask a seasoned Videomarker under their Videomark Comments box. Sorry this is so long.
Hi Kate, the poster at Pitt Peregrines FB wrote that Silver is up and in the center keyhole. If the bird in the highlighted box is E2, where is Silver? Can he be seen in this shot? The bird on the railing is Dorothy, according to the poster. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Pa Gal, See my CORRECTION in my comment to Claire.
Thank you to the fledge watchers! Did you spot the baby before the storm approached? Any idea where on the balcony it is?
Sue, here is a description of the keyhole. http://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/peregrine-faqs/question-where-should-i-be-looking-to-see-the-peregrines-at-pitt/
The picture was taken during Fledge Watch today: Here is a description of when and why we all left Fledge Watch: http://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/2015/06/23/another-piece-of-the-puzzle/#comment-159992
Thanks Kate!
Kate you are really answering all these different quires so quickly or is your husband and other family and friends pitching in?
John, it’s only me.
I’ve been calling him “Bubba”…lol. Even though Bubba was developmentally delayed, he is one spunky PeFa. Bubba is gonna do well.
Thank you John Thomson!
Uh oh! Y’all have hit the comment limit! If your comment/questions have already been made/answered, I will not post them.
Please read the comments and the blog links I’ve posted in this thread.
They include answers to “Where is the peregrine chick?” “Is the peregrine chick safe?” “Is squawking a sign of distress?”(no.) “Have his parents eaten him?”(no.) “Did Silver have to cross the street on Sunday?” “Is Silver across the street now?” “Did the watchers see the chick today?” “What happened when no one was watching?” “What did his parents know and when did they know it?”
There’s a lot to read!
Thanks Kate for your insight that you have given to the lay people who are not that familiar with the ways of the peregrine falcon. This has been a journey for me since this was the first year that I have followed Dorothy and E2. Truly fell in love with the family. Love that little chick. It’s rather sad to turn on pix and see an empty box. Knew this day was coming, still wasn’t quite prepared. May God watch over this little guy and bring us Dorothy and E2 back again next year. Again thank you Kate.
i would assume at this point that Fuzzy/Silver has fledged and will no longer return to the nest. if you spot him Kate would you mind posting something so we know he is safe and happy.
Will do, Judy. It could be a couple of days until he flies again from the Cathedral of Learning
Like Judy I would like to know if he (silver or fuzzy) is spotted.
Thanks for teaching us so much.????????????
Misty, see all the latest updates on my blog at: http://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/category/peregrines/
Thx for directing me to your blog. Had not figured that out