Schenley Park Last Week

Coltsfoot blooming in Schenley Park, 18 and 24 March 2016 (photo by Kate St. John)
Coltsfoot blooming in Schenley Park, 18 and 24 March 2016 (photo by Kate St. John)

Spring is early, as expected, so I wasn’t surprised to find leaves unfurling in Schenley Park last week.  Here are a few highlights from my walks in the past nine days.

Above, coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) began blooming on March 7 and was still flowering when I passed by on March 24.

Below, Yellow buckeyes (Aesculus flava) are one of the first trees to leaf out in Schenley Park.  These leaves picked up fluff from other trees whose flower parts had blown away, perhaps a wind dispersal strategy.  The buckeye makes flowers that attract bees.

Ohio buckeye leaves unfurl, 24 March 2016 (photo by Kate St. John)
Yellow buckeye leaves unfurl, 24 March 2016 (photo by Kate St. John)

Purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) began blooming March 10 and will continue for many weeks. Its flower has a spotted lip that says, “Land here, little insect.”

Purple deadnettle blooming, Schenley Park 18 and 24 March 2016 (photo by Kate St. John)
Purple deadnettle blooming, Schenley Park 18 and 24 March 2016 (photo by Kate St. John)

The weather’s been mild so get outdoors soon. Don’t miss our early Spring.

Happy Easter!

(photos by Kate St. John)

One thought on “Schenley Park Last Week

  1. My husband and I took a walk in our neighborhood and he commented on all the dandelions popping up. I said no, that’s coltsfoot, I know because I saw it on Kate’s blog. 🙂

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