If you’re keeping track of female peregrine ownership at the Cathedral of Learning, it changed again this afternoon.
On Tuesday, August 2 an unbanded young female (1.3 years old) arrived on the scene and bowed with Terzo at the nest. She was present for four days.
Then at 3:25pm today, August 6, Hope reappeared on camera with Terzo.
The action so far has been:
- 30 Nov 2015: Hope arrives at the Cathedral of Learning
- 8 April 2016 (same day): Hope retains site after unbanded immature female visits the nest.
- 23 April 2016 (same day): Hope retains site after banded adult female visits the nest.
- 22 June 2016: Magnum (black/red 62/H) claims the Cathedral of Learning.
- 24 June 2016: Hope regains the site.
- 2 August 2016: Unbanded young female claims the Cathedral of Learning.
- 6 August 2016: Hope regains the site.
I hasten to add that no humans ever see how these turnovers occur.
@PittPeregrines‘ video above pretty much sums it up.
Stay tuned. I’m sure there will be more turnovers in the future.
(video from @PittPeregrines on Facebook)
Very interesting turn of events! Right now a Falcon is on the perch so I don’t know which one it is. Nice to see though!
Have to wonder if the unbanded female was the one that was holding the Tarentum bridge when Hope showed up back there?
There are NO juvenile plumaged PEFAs in Tarentum this year!!! Where did you get the idea that there were?
Not sure how much this couple are committed to each other. Our couple in Utica are dancing and kissing every day. They continue their courtship and bonding.
Whew, what a merry-go-round! Kind of longing for the stable days of Dorothy and E2 although it’s been exciting to witness all the changes. I just hope that we will have one day in the not too distant future a great bonded pair at the Cathedral who will give us hours of pleasurable PEFA watching!
I still think Terzo must be a real “hottie!”
Cindy, no, it has very little to do with Terzo. The problem is that Hope is not holding onto the Cathedral of Learning. She leaves it for too long.
Kate, do you think that Hope still feels that the Tarentum Bridge is her territory? Thanks
Janet, don’t know. She certainly feels comfortable there.
I saw Hope last week in the scratch but can’t recall the day. I noticed the black and green band she was alone at that time.
You know, I thought the off season was supposed to be the time when us peregrine watchers can set back and relax because all the main activity with rearing the young is finished. Apparently Dorothy left the Cathedral in a whirlwind, much like Dorothy left Kansas in a whirlwind in the Wizard of Oz. It’s been in a whirlwind ever since. Learning a lot here. I generally don’t pay attention to the nest outside of nesting season, so thanks to all those nest watchers who do. Thanks for keeping us up to date on all of this Kate and company.
Black over green Hope is in the scrape at 3:45. I just love to watch her when she tried to take a nap she will open up one eye and look around..
Awe, there is a Falcon at both nest sites!! I think the one at Pitt is Hope. I don’t know who is at Gulf. Took a couple screen shots.
Hope is perched at the scrape at 10:00 pm August 8. Is she getting serious about defending her nest site? She is wide awake now, but was very drowsy this afternoon when i saw her there.
Hope finally left the scrape at 5:50am this morning. She was there all night.
And there is a falcon at the Cathedral right now (8:20 am). It appears to be Hope.
Hope is in the scrape right now. I wonder why she is spending so much time there, especially all night. She called for Terzo earlier, but he didn’t come.
Janet, I think she’s finally figured out that she has to stay home to retain the site. She is being very vigilant.
Kate, I really hope you are right, although I was worried about Terzo. Hope has to get her act together because my heart can’t take it!
There’s no worry about Terzo. Hope will either stay or go.
Can’t tell the players without a program! Next year will be very interesting.
It looked like Hope at Gulf at 5:20 pm. She stretched her left leg out behind her and didn’t put her foot back down for awhile.
Slsmith, that was Dori, the Downtown female peregrine. She also has black/green bands which were positively identified today.
Thanks for the clarification Kate. That makes more sense. Good to know Hope isn’t even more confused!
As the egg turns…..The camera illuminates another aspect of peregrine life, compared to Dorothy’s reign. I, for one, find it fascinating to see the territory battles as well.
Kate, has anyone seen Hope or Terzo lately? Everything is looking at the cam I don’t see them or hear them. Thanks in advance.
Yesterday at 9:12am I saw two peregrines perched on the Cathedral of Learning. I was 6 blocks away so I couldn’t identify who was who.
Why are all the visitors at the Cathedral female? Is it because Terzo defends his territory better than Hope or is it because there are many more females in the population. I know you have said that females wander more than males, maybe that’s why??
gjlfdl, it’s because Terzo defends his territory better than Hope does.
It’s not a female population imbalance nor is it related to female travel patterns.
Females wander further (distance) to find a home but that is not at all related to the number of female visitors at the Cathedral of Learning.
It looks like Magnum on camera at 17:15 today.
No, NR, that was Terzo. I saw his bands: N/29
Terzo is in there first, but shortly after he leaves, another bird comes in briefly, 62/H.
NR, what is the time code? I checked 7:15
She is there from 17:14:27 to 17:15:53. There is a clear view of her bands at 17:15:10.
NR, Donna Memon checked the archives for me. Yes it was Magnum! Thanks for reporting her arrival!
I have to admit I was shocked to see Magnum at Pitt yesterday. I hadn’t seen Hope on camera for a couple of days so when I saw Magnum I thought maybe Hope took another vacation. But nope, this evening Hope was back – cam time 18:53. She called Terzo for about 5 minutes and he finally showed up in the nest at 18:58:33 and stayed for less than a minute. Then about 25 seconds later Hope left. I just really wish she would stay put.
It is 6:26 p.m. on Sunday evening hope is in the nest the bands are black and green and green on the right