Comparison: Terzo and Hope, faces and malar stripes, Spring 2016
As Pittsburgh’s peregrine nesting season ramps up, here’s a resource guide for falconcam viewers. It’s everything you wanted to know and much, much more.
When will they lay eggs? How will we know it’s nearly laying time?
Why doesn’t the nest have sticks in it?
How many nest sites are there in the Pittsburgh area and where?
Is there any news of the offspring from these nests?
and more …
These questions and many more are answered at the Peregrine FAQs link. If you lose track of today’s blog post you can always find the FAQs on the navigation bar at the top.
Thanks Kate. I watched Hope and Terzo last season, but I needed a refresher on Dori and Louie. Sure hope they choose the Gulf Tower as they seem to be spending quite a bit of time there.
Janet, I’m not sure what you’re seeing but if is near the front perch you are looking at bird poop. It’s from Hope when she relieves herself on the perch overnight.
Hi Kate, it looks like Dori and Louie fooled us again. Last sighting of Dori was on March 1, early morning. Since then, no sign of either of them.
I (we) had such high hopes they would take up residence at the Gulf tower again. Dori seemed ready for the first egg. But I guess the search party has to get out on the streets once more to find this “odd” couple now.
Louie and Dori were at the nest together this morning at 7:30 – bowing to each other from the two scrapes
Thanks Kate. I watched Hope and Terzo last season, but I needed a refresher on Dori and Louie. Sure hope they choose the Gulf Tower as they seem to be spending quite a bit of time there.
Hi Kate,
Looking at the Cathedral nest now there is a blurry round object. Egg? some other fuzz? too blurry to identify…seems big for egg.
Jo, look at the second camera at Pitt.
There is nothing there. Perhaps water on the cam cover.
Thank you so much! Really looking forward to this season.
Someone is sleeping in the Pitt nest tonight.
Hi Kate, it looks like there could be an egg at pitt. Hope is now in the scrape, and it is hard to see. Can you verify? Thanks
Janet, I’m not sure what you’re seeing but if is near the front perch you are looking at bird poop. It’s from Hope when she relieves herself on the perch overnight.
Hi Kate, it looks like Dori and Louie fooled us again. Last sighting of Dori was on March 1, early morning. Since then, no sign of either of them.
I (we) had such high hopes they would take up residence at the Gulf tower again. Dori seemed ready for the first egg. But I guess the search party has to get out on the streets once more to find this “odd” couple now.