Want to see a lot of bald eagles?
Make a trip to Conowingo Dam in Darlington, Maryland, just south of the PA border on the Susquehanna River. There the dam’s tail-waters attract hundreds of bald eagles in November.
Last year Annette and Gerry Devinney captured great footage of adult and juvenile bald eagles fishing and chasing below the dam. Click here or on the screenshot above to see Gerry’s video.
If you don’t mind crowds, join the fun at Conowingo Bald Eagle Day on Saturday November 4, 2017. Conowingo Bald Eagles and Support Conowingo Dam on Facebook posted this:
SAVE THE DATE: Eagles Day 2017 is here! Join us Saturday, November 4th 10:00am to 3pm at the Conowingo Dam Pavilion. This is a great opportunity to learn about breeding, nesting, and foraging of bald eagles around Conowingo Dam as well as the overall environmental impact of the dam. Exciting vendors and presentations throughout the day! If you plan on attending, please call 410-457-2427 or email takeaction@supportconowingodam.com. We hope to see you all there!
If you miss November 4, don’t worry. The eagles stay at Conowingo for many weeks.
Make a trip any time next month to see them here on the Susquehanna. Click here for a larger version of the map below.
(screenshot from video by Gerry Devinney,“Gerry Raptor” on Facebook)
We visited Conowingo Dam a few years ago for Eagle Day. We had to be there early to get a parking spot close to the water. Otherwise, there was a shuttle bus. Definitely worth seeing!