Early this month I was surprised and delighted to receive a letter from Jim Bonner at the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania that said,
“It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected as the 2017 Audubon Society of Western PA W. E. Clyde Todd Award winner. This award was established in 1971 and is presented to an individual in recognition of outstanding effort to further the cause of conservation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”
What an honor. Wow!
Awards will be presented on Members’ Night, Thursday Dec. 7, 2017 at 6:30pm at Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve, 614 Dorseyville Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238-1618.
The evening will begin with cocktails and light hors d’oeuvres. After the awards presentation, Patty DeMarco will give a talk about her new book, Pathways to our Sustainable Future: A Global Perspective from Pittsburgh.
Click here for more information or download the ASWP Winter 2017 Bulletin here.
(photo: cover of the ASWP Winter 2017 Bulletin)
Congratulations Kate! What a great honor – you earned it!
Congratulations! Well deserved.
A great honor for a woman whose passion for learning, teaching and caring has opened new worlds for us and shed light on magnificent creatures of our world. Congratulations , Kate!
congratulations. Keep up the good work ??
I didn’t key the two question marks. I keyed a hand clap emoji. Mistranslation
Congratulations Kate!
Kate – So very well deserved. See you there!
Kate- SO very well deserved. See you there!
Congratulations! Way to go! You deserve it!
Congratulations, Kate. Can’t think of anyone more deserving. 🙂
Congratulations! What a wonderful honor!
We will be there to see you receiving this wonderful honor. You have definitely earned it!
Congratulations Kate!!
Kate, This is such a wonderful honor. Congratulations!!! It is certainly well deserved.
Congratulations, Kate! Very well deserved honor.
How wonderful that your work has been so well noticed. Congrats.
Well deserved! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
What everyone else said 🙂
Congratulations! no one deserves that honor more than you do!!!
Congrats Kate!!
Congratulations! You have done so much to educate and inspire the public about nature outside our windows.