Hope, the female peregrine falcon at the Cathedral of Learning, laid her third egg of the season early this morning March 12 at 2:10am. Thanks to Nicole Brant for posting a comment with the date and time.
Hope will probably lay a fourth egg but the timing may be longer than the last two. Her last two eggs were laid 62 to 64 hours apart, but her fourth egg last year was more than 90 hours after the third. Will she follow that pattern this year?
Watch the Pitt peregrines here on the National Aviary’s Cathedral of Learning streaming falconcam. Expect a fourth egg some time between Wednesday evening and Friday morning.
(photo from the National Aviary snapshot camera at Univ. of Pittsburgh)
I am so upset can’t get pitt r gulf building on the falcons keep shutting off. Need the old one back! Did now it don’t.?
Elaine, just click the play button and it will run again.
Kate, if the gulf tower falcons don’t use that nest, will we be kept up to date on them if they use the other site? It will be sad not to be able to watch them.Maybe all the lighting on that building scared them off…too bad..
Patricia, even if they don’t nest at the Gulf Tower I’ll provide updates about the Downtown peregrines as I get them.
I work at Allegheny Valley hospital. I was walking up from the back parking lot before 7pm yesterday. When I got to the top of the walking path, I saw a large bird sitting on the low wires. I thought it was such an odd looking hawk and planned to look it up in a bird book today. Then I saw the Trib Live post about the Tarentum Bridge peregrine pair and sure enough, it was one half of the couple that I saw there. The bird couldn’t have cared less about my close proximity. Just gave me a few glances.
Hope just laid her fourth egg at 12:21!
Hope just laid her 4th egg! It’s really difficult to see what time she laid it since this cam keeps going off every 5 minutes, but the first glimpse I had of it was at 12:27. Congratulations Hope and Terzo!
I live in Ingram and saw a bird resembling the Peregrine zooming through our yard calling yip yip yip. The coloring was definitely correct but could the birds be hunting this distance from downtown?
Mary, the bird you describe may have been a young Cooper’s hawk. Your description is similar to a Cooper’s, especially the yipping. There was an immature Cooper’s hawk in my neighborhood that was doing that a few weeks ago.