By August in Pennsylvania, ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) have finished breeding and all of them, young and old, are fattening up for their migration to Central America. Many are visiting backyard feeders.
Last week on PABIRDS Rob Blye posted a collection of interesting questions about feeding hummingbirds, including someone’s concern about sugar. Here’s a summary of the feeder discussion with embedded links to the original text.
Do young hummingbirds imprint on feeders as a preferential food source and ignore natural food sources?
No. Scott Weidensaul writes that as much as 40 percent of the hummingbirds’ diet is made up of insects and other small arthropods which they pursue while away from our feeders. There’s no need to worry that they’re getting an unbalanced diet.
Is sugar bad for hummingbirds?
Not at all. Sugar is bad for humans but fine for hummers. Scott Weidensaul writes: “Flower nectar and a white cane sugar/water mix are essentially identical sucrose fluids. Four parts water and one part white sugar neatly replicates what they’re getting from flowers. “
Can we offer a different sweetener than sugar? What about honey?
Absolutely not! Scott writes that “substitutions are dangerous. Organic/brown/turbinado sugar or molasses can pack fatally high levels of iron, to which hummers are exquisitely sensitive, while honey, once diluted, becomes a stew of dangerous bacteria and fungi.”
Is it OK to hang hummingbird feeders if you cannot clean them frequently?
No. Spoiled food is dangerous for hummingbirds and it spoils daily in 90 degree weather. Clean your feeders thoroughly and regularly. Empty, clean and refill daily when it’s 90 degrees. You can extend this to every few days when the high is 60. Click here for guidelines from Aududon.
Should we add something to the sugar-water to prevent spoilage?
No. Scott writes, “avoid new products that claim to deter spoilage. Hummingbird experts are deeply suspicious about the safety of such additives.”
How do you attract hummingbirds if you can’t clean your feeders that often?
Ellen from Cumberland County had that problem so she planted salvia and other hummingbird favorites. The hummingbirds now “come back every year looking for their flowers and guard them zealously.” Read her flower list on PABIRDS and/or this list of top 10 flowers for hummingbirds at The Spruce.
The bottom line is this: Sugar doesn’t hurt hummingbirds, but spoiled food does. Clean your feeders thoroughly and often, especially in August’s heat!
(photo by Marcy Cunkelman)
That is great information. The hummingbirds seem ravenous this time of year!
Great information. I religiously maintained a hummingbird feeder for one season, changing it every 1-3 days depending on the weather. Have not had the energy to change it that frequently since so I took it down once the birds migrated and it has not been back up since! I do miss seeing them though…
Thanks for this timely reminder. The activity at our feeders has increased dramatically over the last week or so. I usually clean and refill the feeders every 2-3 days. After reading this, I’m switching to daily cleaning and refilling until it cools down.
I have bee balm that hummers love! They visit frequently. The feeders seem to be supplemental for them.
And might I add, though it’s VERY late after the article has posted… color dyes are bad, bad, bad!! Get a red color container if you feel the need, but stick to plain sugar water please!