Two upcoming events! They’re listed in reverse date order because peregrines always come first.
Saturday, November 10, 2018 — 2:00pm
Peregrine Falcons: Can people make a difference for endangered species?
Join the Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy at their Annual Meeting on Saturday November 10 where I’ll present an engaging account of the lives and history of peregrine falcons. Peregrines are a great environmental success story, from their extinction in eastern North America in the 1960s to their reintroduction and removal from the Endangered Species list in the US and many eastern states.
Where: Mt. Lebanon Public Library, 16 Castle Shannon Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15228.
The meeting is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
Sunday, October 28, 2018 — 8:30am – 10:30am
Bird and Nature Walk at Duck Hollow and Lower Frick Park

When the lakes freeze up north, ducks and geese come south.
Meet at Duck Hollow parking lot at the end of Old Browns Hill Road. We’ll see migrating waterfowl on the river and walk part of nearby lower Nine Mile Run Trail at the south end of Frick Park.
Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring binoculars and field guides — and a birding scope — if you have them. As these dates approach, check the Events page in case of cancellation.
Is it time for ducks? I hope so!
(event postcard image from Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy; common merganser photo by Chuck Tague)