In 2007 Pitt’s Cathedral of Learning peregrines, Dorothy and Erie, hatched and raised a young female who settled in Rochester NY in 2009 to raise a family. Her name is Beauty and she’s been in Rochester ever since.
This year Beauty laid two eggs as of 2 April 2019 with a third egg due tomorrow, April 4.
Watch her online at rfalconcam.
Beauty’s life is calm nowadays but seven years ago she survived a nesting season so incredible that it resembled a Peyton Place soap opera. In Rochester NY in 2012 …
- A male rival fought Beauty’s mate, Archer, until he was too wounded to survive.
- A rival female peregrine, Unity, beat up Beauty and sent her to rehab for seven weeks. (Beauty didn’t know what we knew: Unity was her niece.)
- The victorious male peregrine, DotCa, tried bonding with Unity. She laid an egg.
- Then Unity died in a car accident!
- Beauty was released from rehab only 50 miles away …
- … and flew home to her nest where she found …

Click on this link or the photo to read the whole story.
Peregrines lead dramatic lives.
I wrote a story about this dramatic year we witnessed http://thebraveheartfiles.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2013-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2014-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=5
And here’s another story about it https://thebraveheartfiles.blogspot.com/2012/04/triumph-and-tragedy-tale-of-two.html
I love this remembrance, Kate. I had almost forgot about all of that until your re-telling here. Wow! Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Wow Kate! That was some good reading there. You can’t make this stuff up. So dramatic! Thank you for the post, this happened before I got lucky and found your blog.