Would you like to take a birding break?
Spend a few minutes watching fall warblers in Central Park in a video by Quoteny, recorded August to October 2014.
Enjoy the birds’ delicate beauty or challenge yourself to identify them, listed them below in order of appearance.
Click here to watch the video.
In order of appearance:
- Magnolia warbler
- Black-and-white warbler
- Black-throated blue warbler
- Common yellowthroat
- American redstart (female or immature)
- Palm warbler
- Hooded warbler (adult male)
- Northern parula
- Yellow-rumped warbler (notice that in this view it isn’t showing any yellow)
- Red-eyed vireo
- Blackpoll warbler (bathing)
- Northern waterthrush
- Ovenbird (mesmerized by a rat)
(photo is a screenshot from video by quoteny on YouTube)
The video is so cool, very meditative. It looks like the ovenbird is in a fight or flight situation. It seems to puff up twice.