As we shelter indoors, wildlife is reclaiming our neighborhoods faster than we thought possible. Limpkins in Florida, deer in Pittsburgh, and wild boars in Italy!
Limpkins in Florida:
Now that human activity has slowed in Boca Raton, my sister-in-law says that limpkins have moved into the neighborhoods and are shouting all night to attract mates and establish territories. If you’ve never heard a limpkin you’d think it’s a human in distress and you might call 911. Ooops! It’s a bird. Limpkins are a thrill to birders but annoying if you’re trying to sleep. Here’s what one looks and sounds like from 2012. You can hear other limpkins in the distance.
Deer in Pittsburgh:
Deer are getting bolder and coming out during the day now that Pittsburghers are not outdoors. Yesterday, 31 March, Donna Foyle found a family group right next to a front porch in Brentwood.

On 25 March KDKA reported deer on Pitt’s campus in a photo and article.
Wild boars in Italy:
Wild boars can be dangerous but they usually avoid humans. This mama and youngsters were filmed strolling through Bergamo, Italy, posted to Twitter on 30 March 2020.
On a positive note, at least nature is returning to our cities. This is from Bergamo, Italy… pic.twitter.com/VvUUPt3WZg
— Robert Woodshaw (@robertwoodshaw) March 30, 2020
Have you seen any interesting wildlife in town lately? Leave a comment to let me know.
(limpkin photo sent to me by Natalie Mitchell on 31 Mar 2020, deer in Brentwood via cellphone from Donna Foyle)
I for one welcome our new avian overlords.
I just saw a great report about wild goats in Wales running through town:
I just had a large crow eating the cat’s dry food off the patio. The crows rarely venture down into my yard. It got me thinking there may be slim pickings at their usual human haunts.
That reminded me of an article I saw about monkeys in Thailand who’s diet consists of a lot of handouts from tourists:
I spotted a bald eagle over my neighborhood in Moon Twp. on Sunday. Plus on a drive to get groceries today, more hawks than I think I’ve ever seen along I-376.
Just came across this story.
Also the crow is back again. He sits on the wire and spies my putting out the cat food. I suspect he is keeping this food secret from his pals.