7 April 2020
If you live in the southern or eastern U.S., spring leaf out has come 10 to 20 days early this year. The anomalies are evident in dark red on yesterday’s National Phenology Network map (USANPN).

Spring is at least 10 days early in Pittsburgh. I’ve noticed yellow buckeye trees (Aesculus flava) on the south-facing slopes are in full leaf, …

… choke cherries and crabapples are in full bloom, …

… and the willows glow with pale green leaves in Schenley Park.

Interestingly, a few places in the Midwest and south central Great Plains have a slightly delayed spring (blue on the map). It all depends on where you live.

How early is spring in your neighborhood?
(photos by Kate St. John, maps from USA National Phenology Network)
Spring? Our weather still involves a four letter word named Snow! There is still a foot of white stuff on the ground in the deep Boreal forest of northern Minnesota. However, in the open we are now snow free. Ice out for area lakes is still weeks in the future.
Richard, oh my! Thanks for giving us the perspective from Minnesota. Stay warm.
I saw willows turning yellow in Homewood Cemetery about 2 weeks ago. My snowdrops were out early Feb.