Male European starlings mimic the sounds they hear. In the U.S. they’re an invasive alien species so they’re allowed as pets (other songbirds are not!). Put the two together and you get a #smartstarling. Click on the image to see the video.
NOTE: If you don’t hear anything when the Twitter video plays, click the speaker icon on the video at bottom right.

(photo from Wikimedia Commons; screenshot from Nick P. Williams @TheFalconBirder)
Hi Kate, thanks for sharing the video. Also, I had no idea that starlings could be kept as pets.
May I offer a TV suggestion? Here in the DC area on PBS at 9:00 pm tonight on NOVA, there is an episode on eagles. Hope it’s good! Maybe it’s on WQED in Pittsburgh?
Yes it is Pa Gal. I just looked it up. Thanks for the heads up!