Everything’s green and the leaves are big. Suddenly the woods feel closer, shadier and sometimes dark. This week a just few plants attracted my attention.
Above the alien “weed” bird’s eye speedwell (Veronica persica) has a delicate beauty when seen at close range. It blooms in fields and rocky places from spring through fall.
Below, a small tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera) at Deer Lakes Park has leaves almost larger than the tree itself.

Black locusts (Robinia pseudoacacia) bloomed in the City of Pittsburgh last week and some have already begun to drop their flowers. This bunch caught the early morning light on Tuesday in Greenfield.

(photos by Kate St. John)
Tulip trees (2) here in Tarentum Riverview Park are blooming.
Those Black Locust flowers are edible! But I wish somebody would make Black Locust perfume – I love that fragrance.