14 July 2020
Crows remember the faces of people who pay attention to them and are kind to those they know(*) so it’s not too surprising that …
Last Sunday two crows saved a toddler in Vancouver, BC from running into traffic.
Two crows just saved my toddler. The toddler has always loved crows. She’ll talk to them, watch them out the window etc. She is also a runner. She’ll get an idea into her head and just start running towards traffic. Which is what she did today. pic.twitter.com/djXfCEl8kZ
— Arley Cruthers (McNeney) (@Arley_McNeney) July 12, 2020
The toddler’s mother, Arley Cruthers of Vancouver, BC writes:
I usually am in peak helicopter mom mode but today she went from “trying to turn on a water fountain while I sat on a bench” to “running towards traffic” in 1 second flat.
I am not fast so I was chasing after her as she ran towards the road. Suddenly two crows swooped down to the fence and started yelling at her. She stopped, went over to the fence and talked to them. The crows kept up yelling at her and she just stood there, chatting with them.
I caught up, and stood between her and the road, and watched their interaction. After a few minutes, the crows gave me a sharp caw and flew away. Everyone in the playground was like “those crows came over to save your kid.” I made sure to thank them!
— tweets by Arley Cruthers (McNeney)
Crows save the day!
Click here for the complete thread.
p.s. The Twitter thread includes this heartwarming story by June Hunter of how crows helped rescue a lost dog: A Christmas Miracle — with Crows!
(*) p.p.s. Crows also remember the faces those who are mean to them; they shout and harass them.
(photo from Wikimedia Commons; click on the caption to see the original; embedded tweet from Arley McNeney Cruthers)
Fantastic story! They also know which day is “garbage collection” day and who has good stuff and which bags to ignore. They watch when you put it out and scold you if you are one of those who tries to thwart them.
This is mind blowing. I’ll have to read more about this. Thank you so much for posting it!
PS: I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Canuck the Crow from Vancouver. Just google it and you’ll be rewarded.
Sadly, Canuck went missing last November. But his former mate, Cassiar, still hangs with Canuck’s human, Shawn. Find the Facebook page Canuck and I to follow.
I had heard that Canuck was missing and presumed dead 🙁 I’ll have to check out that page though.
What a great story! I have one here in my development. I walk to the pool most every day in my red dress cover-up and straw hat. That crow “Caws” at me the entire walk. (all of 3 minutes) I speak back to it, ask if its having a good day etc. Then….a couple of hours later when I am walking back home it repeats the process and walks me back home! Good Crow!!!
Love hearing the stories.
Ive been feeding crows for years.
In the last year they finally got closer and sitting in the tree
in the yard. Once I put food out, (they are cawing whole time )
I head In,
I put foot on steps, then, silence…… I turn my head and caw
and they fly down to food while I’m still there.
I was so excited. I hope one day they will trust me more.