15 July 2020
The Downtown peregrine falcon youngsters are growing up though few of us are there to see them. Downtown feels empty because the COVID-19 crisis has most people working from home. Fortunately, Ann Hohn was in her Gulf Tower office at Make-A-Wish Greater Pennsylvania and West Virginia on 13 July when two peregrines stopped by. She sent me this photo and wrote:
We spotted this youngster outside the office. There was an adult with it but it flew and was circling. Is it one of the youngsters from our falcon pair who have been nesting elsewhere in town? It’s definitely a young one.
Yes! This is one of the Downtown youngsters. Too bad the adult flew away before Ann could get a picture.
I’m glad the peregrines still visit the Gulf Tower though they haven’t nested there for many years. The nestbox was removed in January 2019 when the building began critical masonry and roof repairs. I hope the repairs are finished in time to re-install the nestbox for the 2021 nesting season.
Thank you, Ann Hohn, for this happy news.
(photo by Ann Hohn)
What a cutie! Thanks for sharing the picture.
Wow! Great pic. “What big eyes you have”. So exciting to see a young peregrine. Thank you
Such great news!! Thank you Kate and Ann!
Awwww look at that face, adorable juvie