24 March 2021
Spring has been popping out all over now that we’ve had a string of warm — even hot — sunny days.
Above, a small wasp checks out the daffodils at Carnegie Mellon. Below, coltsfoot is blooming in Schenley Park and cherry trees are flowering at Carnegie Museum.

The 23 March 2021 National Phenology Network (NPN) Spring Leaf Index indicates that Leaf Out hasn’t reached the bottom left corner of Pennsylvania. The map uses honeysuckle buds as the Spring Leaf Index gauge because, though invasive, the plants are everywhere.

I should have reported what I found on Monday in Washington County. Honeysuckles were leafing out at Hillman State Park on 22 March 2021.

Garlic mustard leaves are up, too.

Did you notice that all the plants I’ve shown so far are non-native?
Our native trees are cautious about frost so only the earliest, such as this red maple, have opened their flowers.

More blooms ahead! This week’s forecast looks promising.
(photos by Kate St. John)