For more than a week the temperature has not dipped below freezing in western Pennsylvania, providing a chance to watch spring unfold.
On 24 March at Raccoon Creek Wildflower Reserve my walking route took me past harbinger of spring (top), hazelnut catkins, skunk cabbage, spring beauties and cutleaf toothwort.
On 26 March my favorite northern magnolia in Schenley Park began to bloom.
The buds looked like this only three days before.
I also found spicebush in bloom, bottlebrush buckeye leaf out, and Ohio buckeye buds bursting.
The trees are still bare but European willows provide a spot of green and maple flowers add a hint of red and orange.
Tonight the temperature will dip close to freezing in the city and will reach a low of 24 degrees on the night of April Fools Day. No fooling! Get outdoors before that happens. Many flowers will be brown on April 2.