17 April 2021
Though it didn’t rain a lot this week April showers and chilly weather put a damper on outdoor plans.
On Monday 12 April we dodged the raindrops at Jennings to find ruby-crowned kinglets, field sparrows and a palm warbler. Rain beaded up on the trout lily leaves and rolled right off the dog violets. We got wet at the end of our walk. It poured on my way home.
In Schenley Park …
Redbud (Cercis canadensis) was in full bloom by Tuesday 13 April.
This jetbead (Rhodotypos scandens) flower was fading by Thursday 15 April. Native to China and Korea, jetbead was planted as an ornamental but became invasive in eastern North America.
Squawroot (Conopholis americana), a native parasitic plant, is now emerging at the base of oaks and beeches. Alternative names include American cancer-root, bumeh or bear corn.
As the leaves come out so do the insects. Even though these hackberry leaves are not fully open yet, tiny winged insects are crawling in the crevices. When the warblers arrive they will eat the bugs. This tree can hardly wait!
After Friday’s chilly drizzle I hope for warm dry weather soon.
(photos by Kate St. John)
Compare violet and dog violet. I have seen violets short and tall; with slightly different leaves. I never heard of a dog violet.
Nan, dog violets are paler then common blue violets and have a 1/4″ spur on the back of the flower — which is why I took a side view photo. The upper leaves are broadly heart-shaped. Jennings is known to have dog violets (V. conspersa) so we looked for them.
Dog violets lack that that sweet fragrance found in other violets.