16 October 2021
It’s been three and a half weeks since the September equinox and every day is shorter than the last. Sunrise draws attention because it’s later every day. On Thursday the sky turned red before the sun appeared.
In the half light after sunset Morela prepared to roost.

The days are the same length as in late February during peregrine courtship. Morela and Ecco visited the nest as if they are thinking of spring.

Meanwhile most plants and trees have set fruit, including this streetside Callery pear.

And in Downtown Pittsburgh I found a directional message on our tallest building.
“There is the sky, so that must be Up.”

(photos by Kate St. John)
Kate, thanks for the morning laugh
Something seen this week that was unexpected: i heard, and then saw, a couple of redwing blackbirds at the pond in Homewood Cemetery. Thought they’d gone south by now!
I had the same experience at Schenley Park on Thursday when I saw & heard a single red-winged blackbird. I guess these are the stragglers who waited to move south.
I heard and saw some at Frick Park this past week too and was surprised!
Kate, this was such a lovely post. I thoroughly enjoyed…especially Morela and Ecco at the nest box. The “up” was adorable. Thank you!