17 October 2021
In botany a drupe is a simple fleshy fruit that contains a single hard pit with a seed inside it.
Some of the photos in this article show drupes, some do not. Which is which?

Which are drupes? Leave a comment with your answer.
See the comments for the answer.
(photos from Wikimedia Commons; click on the captions to see the originals)
All of them?
I’ll go with cherry, peach and avocado…
TIL that stone fruits are called “drupes” (what a word!) and that avocados are not drupes but everything else listed here is
all are drupes
THE ANSWER is that all of them are drupes EXCEPT the avocado. Drupes are stone fruit with a hard pit or shell surrounding the seed inside it. Avocado are not drupes because their “pits” are soft. Botanically they are considered berries. Read more here: https://www.myrecipes.com/how-to/is-an-avocado-a-berry