27 January 2022
Pittsburgh’s winter crow flock hasn’t been in Oakland and Shadyside for months but they’ve been making a splash on the North Side lately.
On 23 January Cindy Pomorski reported, “I have heard and seen them 2 mornings this week in the trees in the wooded area near the DL Clark building,” on the North Shore near Heinz Field.
That same day crows were photographed on the roof of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette headquarters across the Heinz Field parking lot from DL Clark.
A ‘murder’ of sorts at the newspaper offices https://t.co/E6xkty97O2
— Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (@PittsburghPG) January 23, 2022
And on Tuesday 25 January they hung out at the Heinz Field scoreboard in the snow.
Per KDKA TV, crows gathered atop the Heinz Field scoreboard this evening. pic.twitter.com/sFkQ98l2zt
— Witty or Not (@Witty_or_Not) January 25, 2022
How about those crows? Have you seen them lately?
Tell me about it.
(photo by Henry McLin via Flickr Creative Commons license. This cool crow photo was taken in Hanover, PA, not in Pittsburgh.)
Hi Kate. The crows have been in Hampton Township all winter, just not in our back yard every day. Sometimes there are as many as 8 to 10 in a wooded area about a block away.
I haven’t seen or heard them in Greenfield or Oakland much since before Thanksgiving. I wondered where they’d gone.
There has been a huge flock in the trees just west of the Duquesne Incline lower station the last two mornings. Several hundred to a thousand.
Maybe they got tired of the North Shore, too!
Thought you would like to see this.