1 February 2022, 10:30am
Today the National Aviary’s Falconcam started up at the University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning for Live Streaming the 2022 nesting season.
Yesterday while the stream was in test mode, Ecco and Morela courted at noon. Ecco bowed to Morela who was outside the camera view, but you can hear both of them in this video. Morela’s voice is gravelly. Ecco’s voice is whistle/squeaky. At the end, Morela flies away. Listen for her flapping and see her shadow pass by.
Click here and scroll down to watch the National Aviary Falconcam at the Cathedral of Learning.
It’s Peregrine Season!
p.s. In case you’re new to the falconcam, click here for a recap of last year’s nesting season.
(photo and video from the National Aviary falconcam at Univ of Pittsburgh)
YAY! Let’s do this!!