20 May 2022
Thanks to Dave Brooke’s observations and photos we know there are three peregrine falcon chicks at the Tarentum Bridge nestbox and they probably hatched on 18 April 2022. Go see them soon! They will fly before the end of May.
In yesterday’s photo, above, they are 30 days old. In the 11 May photo below they are 23 days.
Based on their age, we expect them to walk out of the box onto the pier this weekend. If any are male they’ll make their first flight as early as a week from today, Friday 27 May. Females tend to fledge four days later, maybe as early as Tuesday 31 May.
If you’ve been putting off a visit don’t wait any longer. The next 10 days will be the best time to see the peregrines. Visit the Tarentum boat launch or the sidewalk on 1st Avenue for the best view. Click here for a map.
See into the nestbox, circled below, by standing on 1st Avenue.
![Tarentum Bridge shoing peregrine nestbox, 14 May 2018 (photo by John English)](https://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/pefa_tarentum_20180514_104019_rsz_johnenglish.jpg)
See them on the pier from the Tarentum Boat Launch.
![PennDOT bucket approaches the nest hole, 22 May 2014 (photo by Mike Fialkovich)](https://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/PEFA_Tarentum_banding_20140522_bucketswung_DSC01070_rsz_fialkovich.jpg)
Don’t delay! Here’s the map.
(photos by Dave Brooke and John English)