18 March 2024
Birdblog outings resume this month with my first outing next Sunday at Duck Hollow.
Sunday 24 March 2024 — 8:30am – 10:30am
Duck Hollow and Lower Frick Park
Meet at Duck Hollow parking lot at the end of Old Browns Hill Road. We’ll check the river for migrating waterfowl and walk the beginning of lower Nine Mile Run Trail watching for birds and the many signs of Spring.
Duck Hollow can be excellent or just ho-hum. In early November we saw purple finches and a red-shouldered hawk. Yesterday in a five minute stop at 8am I found a large flock of gadwall and six lesser scaup.
What will it be next Sunday? I’m counting on a kingfisher.
Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring binoculars, birding scopes and field guides if you have them.
Hope to see you there!
Sunday’s weather looks good so far but always check the Events Page before you come in case of cancellation.
(photo by Mick Thompson via Flickr Creative Commons license)