Don’t Miss These Birds!

7 May 2024

If you’re wondering whether to go birding, don’t wait! Spring migration has been exceptionally good in the past few days migration. The slideshow, above, shows just a few of the 58 species Charity Kheshgi and I saw at Schenley and Frick Parks on Sunday 5 May.

The birds are here right now and they’re fairly easy to see despite the early leaf cover. They’re on the move. Don’t miss them. It’s time to get outdoors!

p.s. Did you notice that the first two birds in the slideshow are “Nashville” and “Tennessee” ?

(photos by Charity Kheshgi)

4 thoughts on “Don’t Miss These Birds!

    1. Kurt, peregrines have not nested at the Gulf Tower since 2017. A new nestbox was installed there in 2021 but the peregrines still did not return. This year, as usual, they are nesting at Third Avenue

    1. Kurt, the nestbox is monitored by those whose offices in the Gulf Tower can see if any birds show up. About one day per year a peregrine perches on the building but none ever visit the nestbox. Meanwhile in May 2021 there was a fire at the Gulf Tower (see At this point the nest has been totally unused for 7 years. There is nothing to maintain since it is new & never dirty.

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