Planted Them Weeks Ago?

Cherry tomatoes on the vine (photo from Wikimedia Commons)

27 May 2024, Memorial Day

Pittsburghers used to have a tradition that Memorial Day was the start of outdoor tomato planting season. But if you grow tomatoes today you know that’s not the case. You probably planted them weeks ago.

Just 50 years ago Pittsburgh had an annual average minimum temperature of -10 to 0 degrees F and those numbers didn’t change ten years after this USDA map was produced in 1960.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone map, 1960

But the climate is changing rapidly now. Last year USDA officially revised their Hardiness Zones as shown on the 2023 map below.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, 2023

The Pittsburgh area shifted a 1/2 zone warmer in eleven years. Notice the paler color in the river valleys in Allegheny County on the zoomed map below. Our average annual lowest temperature used to be -5° to 0°F but it jogged 5 degrees warmer. Now it’s 0° to 5° F.

2023 USDA Plant Hardiness zones by zip code (zoomed out)

None of this is a surprise. We were certainly felt hot in April, the warmest on record.

Global temperature anomaly for April 2024 from

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