Stepping Up to the Runway

Yellow steps up to the “runway” for later takeoff (photo from the National Aviary snapshot camera at Univ of Pittsburgh)

28 May 2024

Yesterday evening the smaller of the two Pitt peregrine chicks, “Yellow”(*), jumped up to the nestrail and out of camera view. This sequence from the snapshot camera shows where he went.

Peregrine chick “Yellow” hops up out of camera view, 27 May 2024, 7:06pm

The streaming camera never saw it. Meanwhile the remaining chick, female “Blue”(*), remained on the green perch.

Sometimes she wasn’t visible on the streaming camera but you can see the entire area here on the snapshot page.

One chick at the nest, 28 May 2024, 6:16am (Pitt falconcam snapshot view)

As I was writing this, Yellow came back down to the nest. Visible on the snapshot camera (top) and streaming camera (bottom).

Two chicks at the Pitt peregrine nest, 28 May 2024, 7:19am (Pitt falconcam snapshot view)

In the next couple of days the number of chicks at the nest will fluctuate until both are gone. Don’t worry. They are stepping up to the nestrail — the “runway” — where they’ll learn to fly.

Yellow’s first step happened much sooner than I expected. Fledge Watch might be too late to see him!

(*) Names: Yellow and Blue are temporarily named for the colored tape placed on their USFW bands when they were banded last week. Yellow is the smaller one, likely male. Blue is the larger and definitely female.

3 thoughts on “Stepping Up to the Runway

  1. The suspense! The drama! How am I supposed to do anything but watch today? I’m so grateful for all of the excellent information you have shared on this site. It’s truly a gift. My partner and I went to Schenley Plaza at sunset yesterday, and saw Yellow perched and one or more parents in flight. We have tentative plans to join fledgewatch Thursday, if Blue hasn’t already flown.

    1. Erika, I love your comment! That’s exactly how it is during Fledge Week. It’s a good thing I’m retired!

  2. The “progression” camera capture was so good, Kate. You could almost imagine Yellow telling Blue, “See that place over there…we can get there with these things attached to our sides.” I know and I apologize….HUGE anthropomorphizing, but it is so difficult not to at this exciting time. May they both have successful fledges.
    Great post once again, Kate. Thank you!!

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