Frick Park Outing, Sun. July 28, 8:30a

Metallic green bug on spotted knapweed, July 2013 (photo by Kate St. John)

22 July 2022

Insects are singing while songbirds are quiet as they wrap up the breeding season.

Join me for a bird & nature walk in Frick Park on Sunday, July 28, 2023, 8:30a – 10:30a.

Meet me at the Nine Mile Run Trail Parking lot. We’ll check out the birds, flowers and bugs in the Nine Mile Run trailhead area before heading over to the boardwalk.

NOTE: If you park in one of the small dirt lots near a Frick Park entry gate, cross the road and walk under the arching Parkway Bridge to join us.

Park anywhere along Commercial Street but meet at the Nine Mile Run Parking area (screenshot map from Google)
From Commercial Street at Frick Park follow the path to the meeting place

We’re sure to hear goldfinches — will they have fledglings? — and see plenty of insects. This walk will go past the place where we saw ebony jewelwings in early July. Will they be there?

Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water, a sun hat and binoculars (if you have them).

Before you come, visit my Events page in case of changes or cancellations. The outing will be canceled if there’s lightning or heavy rain.

Hope to see you there!

(photos by Kate St. John)

3 thoughts on “Frick Park Outing, Sun. July 28, 8:30a

  1. Hi Kate and others,

    I’m an avid west coast birder and am planning a trip in early September. I’ll be in the Pittsburg/Powdermill area Sep 7 and 8 and am looking for bird trips and places nearby to bird. Bird trips would be ideal as I’m new to East coast birds. Any suggestions on groups, people or short Audubon trips or places to go? Thanks!

    1. I’d highly recommend Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve! They have guided bird walks on Wednesday and Sunday mornings, so you’d get a chance to learn about the birds you’re unfamiliar with.
      (ps: it’s actually Pittsburgh! Some people will get upset if you leave off the “h” lol)

    2. Three Rivers Birding Club (3RBC) is hosting bird walks on the mornings of September 6th, 7th and 8th in the suburban Pittsburgh area. Sewickley Heights Borough Park on the 6th, Deer Lakes Park on the 7th and Harrison Hills Park on the 8th. The club’s Facebook page currently has details of the meeting time and place.

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