Hey There, Carla. Hey There, Ecco.

Ecco and Carla bow at the nest, 1 Aug 2024, 6:23pm (photo from National Aviary snapshot cam at Univ of Pittsburgh)

2 August 2024

Yesterday it was at or near 90°F for most of the day. No peregrines were visible when I walked around the Cathedral of Learning at 11am but by 5:45pm the nestbox area had been in the shade for several hours and had cooled off enough to attract Ecco and Carla.

Peregrines are not courting at this time of year but when a pair stays on territory year round they develop and maintain their pair bond through bowing at the nest. Yesterday they bowed for eight minutes at 5:45pm, then joined each other for 16 minutes at 6:20pm.

Hey there, Carla.

Hey there, Ecco.

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