How Birds Deal With Heat: Manipulate the Feathers

Song sparrows: warm in October, cold in snowy March (photos by Steve Gosser)

15 August 2024

Here’s a little Before and After exercise that spans five to six months. Observe birds who are in your neighborhood all year long. Song sparrows and cardinals are two good choices.

  • Before: On a hot day in August notice how plump or thin the birds are. Even better, take a picture of a bird in the heat.
  • After: On a cold day in winter, again notice how fat or thin the birds are. Take a picture of the same species out in the cold.

The song sparrows above were photographed by Steve Gosser on a warm October day and on a snowy day in early March.

Spoiler Alert! Here’s what you’ll see.

This vintage article is 7 years old.

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