25 March 2025
After Carla laid her last egg in the wee hours of 21 March at 2:07am and I saw her prepare to incubate the next morning at 5:40am, I declared on 22 March that incubation had begun. Was I right? I’m not so sure anymore.
I checked the falconcam timelapse videos and found that during the day of the 22nd Carla and Ecco both seemed to be incubating, but that night Carla spent an hour and a half off the eggs from 2:30am to 4:00am. You can see the gap in this timelapse video.
She also stood up for half an hour at 5:00am. What was she looking at?

On the 23rd incubation was more consistent. Carla and Ecco took almost no time off during nest exchanges and Carla slept on the scrape.

That night, 23-24 March, she stayed tight on the eggs especially while it rained. The raindrops look like snow in the infrared light.
So now I think incubation began on 23 March 2025.
Only the peregrines know for sure.