Have you noticed there aren’t a lot of crows lately? That’s right. Pittsburgh’s huge winter flock has dispersed and those who remain are nesting. They’re here, but they’re quiet.
Though crows are secretive right now, you’ll sometimes see one hunting for food. Lesley The Bird Nerd filmed one catching frogs and stashing peanuts in Canada.
Where can you find crows in May? Near food.
What will a crow eat? Just about anything.
(video from Lesley The Bird Nerd)
Kate, I was wondering if crows will keep other birds away from nest boxes and such? We have a resident crow who seems to be in or near our yard the better part of the day. This is the first that I can remember seeing one so regularly. I also have not seen a single blue bird this season and we usually have wrens who take up residency in some of our blue bird boxes, and all boxes are still empty. I’m not even hearing the cardinals sing anymore. I was wondering if it’s just a coincidence or if the crow could be to blame?
JenK, the crow is a factor but probably not the only one. Crows will eat bird eggs and nestlings so smaller birds chase them away from their nests. The crow might be there because other things changed in your neighborhood that the other birds don’t like … so they wouldn’t be there? anyway. It’s hard to say.
By the way, crows are very smart so if you’ve been feeding this crow, he won’t leave for a long time.
A guy I used to work with shared his lunch with the local crows every day, & got me to do it also. We went out to lunch at different times so the crows had a long lunch break. They would eat just about anything, but didn’t care for vegetables at all. French fries were a favorite, they would swallow them whole. The craziest I ever saw them was when a co worker gave me a container of sushi. I set it on the wall behind my car, then remembered that I forgot something in the shop. I ran in to get it & came back to a gang of crows attacking the sushi container, trying to get in it. I set it in the parking lot & opened it up, & sat back to watch. The crows were literally crazed, attacking the sushi like I never saw them do with anything else. They really liked it!
Sadly, my co worker quit, & I started going out on the road, and am usually away from the shop for lunch. Every now & then I set something out for them, but they must have found new lunchtime friends.