3 March 2010
It looks like this peregrine is complaining about the snow last weekend. Was this in Pittsburgh?
No, it’s Rochester, New York where they got even more snow than we did during last Friday’s storm.
This is Beauty at the Times Square nest box in Rochester. She’s staying close to the nest because she’s facing stiff competition for this prime site and she’s determined not to lose it. Beauty hatched at the University of Pittsburgh in 2007, daughter of Dorothy and Erie. I’ll bet this box reminds her of where she was born.
It’s easy to watch Beauty on the web this spring. Rochester Falconcam has two cameras at the Times Square nest box and two at the Powers Building, an alternate nestbox nearby. Read about Rochester’s peregrines and watch Beauty on camera at this link. And don’t miss Carol Phillips’ photos of the peregrines in Rochester, NY.
Yes, peregrine nesting season is coming – ready or not. The snow is already melting and by the end of the month there will be eggs in most of the nests. Can you believe it!?!
(photo of Beauty from the Times Square webcam in Rochester, NY)