Seeing More Spotted Lanternflies Lately?

Spotted lanternfly on my window on 2 Aug 2023 (photo by Kate St. John)

28 August 2024

I was beginning to think we were safe this year but now I’m not so sure. After surprisingly few spotted lanternflies (Lycorma delicatula) in July and August, there are suddenly more of them in the air and on buildings and trees. Uh oh!

Have you seen more spotted lanternflies, too? I think I know why.

  • Their peak population was in September last year so we probably haven’t reached the peak yet. But it’s coming.
  • Spotted lanternflies love heat and it has been hot this week. Yesterday’s high was 94°F –> 13° above normal.
  • Why do I see them fly by my 6th floor windows? They love height as well.

Last year I mused on their love of height and heat. I sure hope their population doesn’t get so bad this year!

2 thoughts on “Seeing More Spotted Lanternflies Lately?

  1. I haven’t seen many at home this year other than a few nymphs. I have not seen any adults there yet. At work in New Stanton, I am seeing adults but not nearly as many as last year. I was at UPMC East on Monday and the parking garage was loaded with them. Overall in other locations I have not seen that many.

    1. If there was an eBird for spotted lanternflies we could watch their ebb and flow across the landscape. I suspect they were a plague at Pittsburgh’s core in 2023, especially near the river railroad tracks. And now they’re filling in the gaps moving north & east. But who knows.

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